Friday, February 20, 2009

Sitting Pretty

She keeps her hands as busy as her feet!

I think she finally has the hang of sitting. She is getting better and sitting longer (only when she wants to). Earlier this week Isabella was not feeling well, we were not sure if it was because of her teeth or ears, but today she was perfectly fine and back to her bubbly self. When I pulled out the camera to upload new pictures this is the reaction I got from her. I had to take pictures of her being happy after 3 days of being miserable.

Here we grow again...

This puppy picture gets harder and harder every month. She does not lay still for her picture like she did when she was first born. It won't be long before we won't be able to keep her on the puppy. We can hardly believe she is 7 months old! Before too long we will be celebrating her first birthday!

Hip Hip Hooray it's almost Leprechaun Day

Isabella found the shamrocks on her dress :)

This one is priceless!

I think that it is really neat that the girls have Irish blood on both sides of their family, (obviously Russell's side carries more). We enjoy this holiday as much as any other. When Lauren was younger, her Nanny would set up a trap for a week and try and catch the Leprechaun. Every year the Leprechaun would play tricks on the kids, but by Friday he would leave the kids a special treat, we can't wait to begin this fun tradition with Isabella.

Valentines Day 2009 with Lauren and Isabella...

I know, look at those chunky cheeks, she looks like she is storing up acorns!!! (Hee Hee)

Look at Isabella's first set of pigtales...they are too cute!

She would not quit laughing!

We get some of our best pictures of the girls early in the morning. We were able to capture these priceless pictures of the girls for Valentines Day. Lauren certainly cooperates better than Bella. She is usually all over the place and we have to snap whatever picture we can.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm "supposed" to be taking a nap but...

On Sunday Isabella was so tired, (or so we thought) so we layed her down for a short nap. I turned on her monitor and found her busy playing with her puppy. What else was I going to do but take a few pictures...yes some are blurry because you can't get a 6 month old to lay still and stop kicking her feet. Right now we can't keep those feet still. Russ and I said one day she is going to wake up and run away and totally skip walking!

Me and my toys...

Isabella has really started to take notice of her surroundings. She loves to sit beside her bucket
of toys and take everything out. I'm sure it won't be long before she dumps out the toys and climbs inside her bucket!