Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sweet Sisters...

Lauren was headed off to do some homework when Isabella found her and decided that her Lauren needed some kisses before she could go. Boy are we lucky that the girls get along so well.

American Girl...

Okay slap my hand...I was supposed to get all these great pictures of Lauren and Keaton at the American Girl Store...but I was a bit distracted once we were in the store. Russell and I went to get Isabella's Christmas gift (yes I said Christmas) and Lauren and Keaton went to spend Lauren's birthday money. We had such a great Saturday. We went into the Galleria for some window shopping and then we were off to a great lunch at Ojedas~it is an awesome restaurant that we have enjoyed for several years and wanted to share our restaurant with Keaton...no I did not get pictures there either...but we all did have a super time!

Daddy and his Daughters!

Isabella was in a happy mood this morning and everyone was ready for school/work that we had to stop and take a picture of Daddy with his sweet daughter. I love the hat Isabella has on and Lauren looked awesome in her peace shirt and earrings!!!

Super Cute Halloween clothes....

The back...
and the front...

I'm so very excited about Isabella's Halloween clothes. My friend Erin sent over a TON of clothes for Isabella to borrow. Included in the clothes are the SUPER CUTE overalls that her and her mother-in-law made. I just love them!!! Thank you so much ERIN!!!!

Busy Bella...

Well...what is this???

So much to touch!!!

Isabella was sleeping so it was the perfect time to get out our Fall decorations. Lauren was such a huge help and we were able to get everything up before we had a helper. When Miss Bella woke up she was very curious about what new decorations Mommy had set out. These are the first things we have put out since she started crawling and walking. My house looks so much better in the Fall and I was excited to get things out and see how things would look.

Lauren's Big Night...but first...

Lauren in the stands
On the field

Finding a buddy
Of course a picture with our Buddy

Hard work wearing out Mommy and Daddy...I need to refresh myself!
Where is my Lauren?
Sweet picture of Daddy with his daughters!!!

Lauren had her big night with the L.D. Bell Raiderettes, but first before Lauren's night could begin we had to burn some of Isabella's built up energy. Boy was it work keeping her up in the stands and talking her up and down the stairs. We all had a great time. Thank you Keaton for coming to join us on Lauren's big night...she had a blast and enjoyed your company!