Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Eve

We usually have a quiet Christmas Eve together at home and open up the Christmas package my brother sent from CT. Isabella did a great job practicing for all her gifts she was going to open Christmas day.

Christmas Eve Snow

What a wonderful surprise it was when we checked the weather channel and saw that snow was in the forecast.

My size penguins...

It looks like she wants to dance!

After we finished viewing the sculptures we decided to sip some hot chocolate...all except Isabella who decided she needed to explore. She found these precious penguins.

ICE at the Gaylord

These are amazing ice sculptures

Lauren having fun

Lauren, Isabella, Keaton, and Russell
This is the picture they took as we started the exhibit
We had such a wonderful time! Fortunately our friend Keaton was able to join us...and help with our busy little one and also help capture a few family pictures. We all had to wear a parca provided by the Gaylord. I was thinking ahead and brought Isabella a snow suit I thought we would never use. It was 9 degrees in the exhibit...I was not sure how to dress for that temperature so we all had hats, scarves and gloves.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Getting ready for Christmas

We did find time to put up our tree while Isabella was sleeping (we did not need the extra hands). When she woke up she was looking around and was mesmerized by the lights.

Another pair of cute overalls....

We were very fortunate to borrow Halloween overalls from Erin, well she also loaned us these precious Christmas overalls. We could not wait to show them off and can't wait to show them off at our visit to Santa, the Gaylord and anywhere else we can find a place to wear them!


Papaw was headed home after our Thanksgiving Dinner and also watching a few football games. We captured a few pictures of Papaw with a few of his girls.

Say goodbye to Mr. Scarecrow

Today was the last day to have all of our fall things out, so I took a couple of pictures next to the scarecrow. She was so enamored by the scarecrow that it made me sad to put him away.