Sunday, March 22, 2009

Time at the park

Saturday we spent a few hours at the park and Lauren decided to climb a few trees. As you all know Lauren is all about dancing, the last thing she ever wants to is climb a tree, so when she asked Russ and I we said sure. I was glad I had the camera to capture the pictures. Isabella was busy playing with her hat to notice what Lauren was busy doing up in a tree.

Life on 2 feet

Isabella has found that there is a whole new world on two feet. Anytime we try to sit her down she makes her legs go straight and insists on standing. I'm sure it won't be long before we are chasing her around the house.

Zoo Discoveries

She is looking at all the colorful fish.

Isabella would not look at the camera, she kept kissing on her sister. :)

What sweet sisterly love!

There were lots of new babies at the zoo, 3 new lion cubs.

On Friday we decided to be brave and go to the Fort Worth Zoo...and boy was it a ZOO!!!! Luckily we went late enough in the day when most people were leaving so we were able to park close to the door. There were lots of people and the animals were alert. This time when we went Isabella noticed the animals and would shreik when she saw them moving. Lauren and Isabella took some of the sweetest pictures together.

My new car...

Thank You Nate and Mrs. Paige!!!

Look my first passenger.

Right after I was born Mrs. Paige and Nate came to visit and brought me my first car. Here I am for the first time checking out all the features that it has to offer. This is the first time I have had a chance to sit on my car without falling off! I can't wait to take this car out for a spin.

Puppies are my business

When we get the big puppy out for our monthly pictures, Isabella usually has her pink puppy alongside her. You can see that her puppy is starting to show signs of being loved.

8 Months

My goodness time is flying by!! We are not sure how these pictures are going to turn out each month. Isabella is so busy and keeping her still each month is becoming work. You can see how happy she is by the huge smile on her face!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Your family loves you from...

your head...

to your toes!

Taggies are my business

She was so excited about her Taggies that she almost fell over.

For Christmas Isabella received stackable towers made by Taggies, so obviously it is covered with tags. She had her burp cloth and was looking all over for the tags, then she found her towers and was as happy as can be.

Look how busy I am.

(She found me with the camera and tried to take it from me.)

Here lately Isabella has finally figured out that all the toys that surround her are for her. We have pulled out several toys that she has been given and now she is busy playing and staying busy.

Isabella says...


Sweet Sisters...

Enough said :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm an Explorer

I left Isabella in the center of the room, when I came back she had rolled her way into some trouble. Luckily she can't reach anything so there was no harm done. This is just a preview for us and how we need to check to make sure electronics are secure as well as electric chords and such. Notice the look on her face when she was caught.