Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine Overalls!!!

Two words for ya...
Stinkin' Cute!!!
Once again here is another outfit borrowed from my friend Erin. I love these overalls, they were so much fun to wear. I would have loved to get more pictures, but Isabella is 18 months old and does not always cooperate with the camera, I have to get what I can when I can. These are from two different times...if you notice the different hats. :)

How I felt...

A lot of people like snow.
I find it to be unnecessary freezing of water.

Carl Reiner
I love snow, but at 2am Friday morning I lost my love only for awhile. As you can see our gazebo could not hold the amount of snowfall for this cold and snowy February morning. As I was sleeping I knew that Friday would be wonderful since we already knew there would be no school and it would be a nice long 3 day weekend. (the past two weeks we suffered at our home with bronchitis, ear infections and a stomach bug that refused to leave our 18 month old) Little did we know Mother Nature had other we are making the decision if we should rebuild or take a loss.

Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they do when they stick together.
Verna M. Kelly

Here we "Snow" again...

Isabella eating snow!
Look at all that snow!
Don't even think about throwing that at me...I have a camera in hand!

We live in Texas right??? Okay so we had snow in December and now here it is again in February. We never have snow like this!!! This time we averaged 9-12 inches in our area. Here are the pictures of Lauren and Isabella enjoying the snow...I'm so lucky my brother sent us one of my nieces old snow suites from when she was a baby...we have used it on so many occasions that I am going to be sad when we out grow it this winter. I may need to buy one next year just in case...who knows? Notice how happy Isabella is when she discovered the newly fallen snow.

Ensemble Night at River Trails

Really Mom more are embarrassing me!!!
Having fun with the girls!!!
Lauren is such a pretty young lady...we are such lucky parents.

This Lauren's last year in an Elementary school and next year she is headed off to Junior High...she has enjoyed Ensemble and especially her teacher Mrs. McKenna. Her music teacher is amazing and does amazing things with her children. Here are a few pictures of Lauren's first performance for the January PTA meeting.

Happy Anniversary!

Isabella had to be in the picture...Lauren would have joined except she was the photographer!
Russell and I celebrated our 13th anniversary at Bob's Steak House in Grapevine on January 25th. We enjoyed complimentary Champagne, appetizers, fabulous steak...with their signature carrot and also complimentary dessert. Nanny was so nice to stay home with the girls so that Russell and I could enjoy a wonderful evening as adults...Thanks Nanny we appreciate and love you very much!!!

Don't bother me....

I'm talking to Papaw

Now a days if Isabella hears the phone ring or sometimes just sees the phone she says, "!" I finally had to take a few pictures of her talking to him. She enjoys saying his name over and over and I think he takes great joy in hearing his name. It is so sweet when she talks to him and when it is time to go she kisses the phone and sends him some love!