Sunday, November 28, 2010

Meet our new family member...Chloe

Hallmark sells a great product called Elf on a Shelf. I did not do this when Lauren was little but was so excited that I was able to do this with Isabella. A few weeks ago we were talking at work about Elf on a Shelf and wondered why it looked like a boy so...we made sure our elf went to visit the bling shop. Chloe has bling from head to toe and a cute elf tutu. I can't wait to see how Isabella reacts to her moving about the house. We have already reminded her a few times that she is watching and reports to Santa each night and returns to a new spot everyday. I'll keep you updated on how well it works with our 2 year old.

Thanksgiving 2010

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything thy goodness sends.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Isabella watching the Thanksgiving parade in her Buzz pj's of course :)
The Buzz balloon just came on the screen
She was so was soo cute!
Thanksgiving meal. Isabella sharing her mashed potatoes with Logan.
He did not want to eat off of a baby spoon...hahaha
She did not want to eat off of her spoon.
Enjoying family
Isabella enjoying her Papaw
Logan, Lauren. Papaw, Hunter, Megan, Isabella, and Jacob

It was so nice to spend Thanksgiving day with family. My sister's and their kids were able to spend the day at our house. The weather was not bad so the kids played outside while Dad and Russell watched as much football as possible. We enjoyed a wonderful meal and later enjoyed wonderful desserts. I'm so glad we are blessed to have our family surround us for the holidays.

To Infinity and Beyond!!!

To Infinity and Beyond!!!
Isabella is obsessed with Buzz Lightyear!!! So obsessed that she wanted to dress up like him for Halloween. She was the cutest Buzz in the neighborhood with her bright green bow. She had so much fun telling people who she was that night.

Lauren at a Bell game...

Lauren getting ready to take the field with The Bell Raiderettes.
Marching out on the field.
Ready for Bell to make their way to the field.
Just a glimpse of Lauren
Yes I know it has been a few months since I have updated, so hopefully these next few posts will help catch you up on what has been going on here at the Scott household...
Lauren has enjoyed going to Raiderette camp. This is a great fundraiser for the girls and also great exposure for the young girls to get a glimpse of what the girls do and if this might be something they will want to do when they are sophmores at Bell High School. I have to give credit to Russell since he took all the pictures. I stayed home with Isabella since she did not have good behavior...if you say you are staying home with mom if you don't HAVE to follow through and so I did and Russell watched Lauren and enjoyed the football game.