Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hooray for Summer!!

We love summer for so many reasons.

Lauren gets to take a break from school and all of her activities, no schedule to follow, she gets to sleep in and have sleep overs any day of the week and who cares if you sleep at all or just 20 minutes, ice cream/pizza with friends at 3 am.

Isabella gets to take a day care break, sleep in, go to swim lessons and best of all gymnastics. She loves it as much as Lauren did. I'm so glad she will get up and is excited to go and see her friends and be busy climbing and jumping for 45 minutes. I love it because right after lunch I can expect a really good nap which gives me a 2-3 hour break.

Hooray for Summer!!!

Where has time gone?...

Almost 3 years ago we were a family of 3 and then July 19th Isabella officially joined our family. None of us could ever imagine our lives or our world without her. Look how beautiful my girls have grown. I'm such a proud mother and I know Russell is very proud of his girls. We count our blessings everyday for the privilege of being a part of these girls lives.

Double Take Recital 2011

Future Double Take dancer!
What do you do when it takes awhile to start...text...text...and text some more! Teenagers crack me up!

Flowers from Isabella

Flowers from Dad

Where did this year go? It seems like only yesterday Isabella was still an infant and Lauren was still in elementary school. Lauren has been dancing for 9 years now, next year Isabella will be joining her...Look out Double Take. This is the last year I will be in the audience for a few years. I enjoyed taking a break from being a stage mom, but I can't wait to do it all again with Isabella.

I'm so glad that Russell was able to join us for this event, he has never missed a recital and him living part time in Germany was not to keep him away.

Spring Band Concert

Waiting for the concert to silly!
Lauren is back there somewhere, oh look turned around TALKING!!

It is taking toooo long!

Here is the 2010-2011 Beginning Band

It has been awhile since I have updated our family blog. Let me catch you up on The Scott Scoop...Enjoy!

Lauren has completed her first year of Jr High, wow it went by so fast. She made so many new friends and made lots of new memories.

Lauren I hope you know we are all so very proud of you!

Keep on pursuing those dreams and reach for the stars!